Schlüter®-KERDI-FIX is a one-component waterproofing adhesive based on MS polymers. It is not a special waste and can therefore be disposed of in a regular manner (waste code 080499).
Schlüter®-KERDI-FIX It is sold in 290ml cartridges.
Material properties and areas of application: Schlüter®-KERDI-FIX is odorless, UV-resistant and weatherproof and can therefore also be used outdoors. The adhesive is elastic, solvent-free and has good adhesion to most materials such as wood, stone, concrete, metal, glass and many plastics. Schlüter®-KERDI-FIX can be used as both an adhesive and a waterproofing layer and is suitable for movement and connection joints.
Schlüter®-KERDI-FIX can be painted using conventional alkyd and water-based paints.
If particular chemical, mechanical or other stresses are expected, it is necessary to verify the suitability of the material.